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日英対訳 USPQ米国商標審判決百選
ディビッド・E・ケース  著
日本商標協会  関西支部  編

発行 2011年 9月 28日 A5判 440ページ

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しかし、米国での知的財産関連の判決例が多数掲載されている判決集 United States Patent Quarterly(季刊米国特許審判決集、USPQと略称)を、原文、英文のまま読み進めることはなかなか難しいことです。

このような点を考慮し、本書はこのUSPQに掲載されている商標関連の審判決例より、米国弁護士 David・E・Case氏が100例を選定・要約を担当し、実務に携わっている日本商標協会所属の弁護士、弁理士が和訳を担当する日英対訳形式で構成されています。


はしがき 日本商標協会 会長 弁護士 牧野 利秋
Introduction to TM-100 米国弁護士 David・E・Case
出版に寄せて 日本商標協会 元会長  弁護士 松尾 和子
編集・発行にあたって 日本商標協会  関西支部長 弁理士 竹内 耕三

Historical Basis(歴史的基礎)
Canal Co. v. Clark 80 U.S.(13 Wall.)311(1872)

Constitutional Basis(−憲法上の根拠)
United States v. Steffens 100 U.S. 82 (1879)

Origin of Trademark - Indication of Source(商標の起源 - 出所の表示)
Union Carbide Corp. v. Ever-Ready, Inc. 531 F.2d 366 (7th Cir. 1976)

Trademarks - Secondary Meaning(商標−二次的意味)
G. & C. Merriam Co. v. Saalfield 198 F. 369 (6th Cir. 1912)

Trademarks - Descriptive Marks(商標−記述的商標)
Armstrong Paint & Varnish Works v. Nu-Enamel Corp.305 U.S. 315 (1938)

Trademark - Generic(商標−普通名称)
Singer Manufacturing Co. v. June Manufacturing Co.163 U.S. 169 (1896)

Trademarks - Generic (商標−普通名称)
Kellogg Co. v. National Biscuit Co. 305 U.S.111(1938)

Trademarks - Genericide(商標ー一般名称化)
King - Seeley Thermos Co. v. Aladdin Industries, Inc.321 F.2d 577 (2d Cir. 1963)

Trademarks - Similarity to Generic Term(商標−普通名称との類似)
Venetianaire Corp. v. A & P Import Co. 429 F.2d 1079 (2d Cir. 1970)

Trademarks - Unregistrable Trade Names(商標−登録できない商号)
In re Unclaimed Salvage & Freight Co.192 U.S.P.Q. 165 (T.T.A.B. 1976)

Trademarks - Foreign Generic Words(商標−外国の普通名称)
Otokoyama Co. v. Wine of Japan Import, Inc.,175 F.3d 266 (2d Cir. 1999)

Trademarks - Spectrum of Distinctiveness(商標−記述性の範囲)
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. v. Hunting World, Inc.537 F.2d 4 (2d Cir. 1976)

Trademarks - Range of Protectable Marks(商標−保護できる商標の範囲)
Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co. 514 U.S. 159 (1995)

Trademarks - Famous Marks(商標−有名商標)
Kenner Parker Toys, Inc. v. Rose Art Industries, Inc.963 F.2d 350 (Fed. Cir. 1992)

Trademarks - Deceptive Marks(商標−欺瞞的な商標)
In re Budge Manufacturing Co.857 F.2d 773 U.S.P.Q.2d 1259 (Fed. Cir. 1988)

Trademarks - Primarily Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive - Pre−NAFTA
In re Loew's Theaters, Inc.769 F.2d 764 (Fed. Cir.1985)

Trademarks - Primarily Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive - Post - NAFTA商標 - 二次的意味が獲得されていない状態における「産地について誤信を生じさせる商標」(NAFTA協定以後)
Japan Telecom, Inc. v. Japan Telecom America, Inc.87 F.3d 866 (9th Cir.2002)

Trademarks - Primarily Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive - Post−NAFTA (Services)商標−二次的意味獲得前における地理的名称の誤信招来的記載−NAFTA後(役務)
In re Les. Halles de Paris, J.V.334 F.3d 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2003)

Trademarks - Primarily Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive - Post−NAFTA (Goods)商標−二次的意味獲得前における地理的名称の誤信招来的記載−NAFTA後(商品)
In re California Innovations, Inc.329 F.3d 1334 (Fed. Cir. 2003)

Trademarks - Surnames(商標−氏姓)
L.E. Waterman Co. v. Modern Pen Co.235 U.S. 88 (1914)

Trademarks - Restrictions on Use of Surname(商標−氏姓の使用に関する制限)
David B. Findlay, Inc. v. Findlay18 N.Y.2d 12 (1966)

Trademarks - Secondary Meaning(商標−二次的意味)
E. & J. Gallo Winery v. Gallo Cattle Co.967 F.2d 1280 (9th Cir. 1992)

Trademarks - Publicity(商標−パブリシティ)
Motschenbacher v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.498 F.2d 821 (9th Cir. 1974)

Trademarks - Publicity(商標−パブリシティ)
White v. Samsung Electronics America Inc.971 F.2d 1395 1583 (9th Cir. 1992)

Trademarks - Use of name in a title for an artistic work(商標−芸術作品のタイトルにおける名称の使用)
Rogers v.Grimaldi 875 F.2d 994(2ndCir. 1989)

Trademarks - Opposition to Registered Marks(商標−登録商標に対する異議)
Lipton Indus., Inc. v. Ralston Purina Co., 670 F.2d 1024 (C.C.P.A. 1982)

Trademarks - Vulgar/Scandalous Marks(商標−低俗な/スキャンダラスな商標)
In re Riverbank Canning Co.95 F.2d 327 (C.C.P.A. 1938)

Trademarks - Vulgar/Scandalous Marks(商標−低俗な/スキャンダラスな商標)
In re Old Glory Condom Corp.26 U.S.P.Q.2d 1216 (T.T.A.B. 1993)

Harjo v. Pro - Football, Inc.,284 F. Supp. 2d 96 (D.D.C. 2003), rev'd, 415 F.3d 44 (D.C. Cir. 2005)

Trademarks - National treatment and treaties(商標 - 内国民待遇および条約)
Havana Club Holdings, S.A. v. Galleon, S.A.,203 F.3d 116 (2d Cir. 2000)

Trademarks - Functionality(商標 - 機能性)
In re Morton - Norwich 671 F.2d 1332 (C.C.P.A. 1982)

Trademarks - Likelihood of Consumer Confusion (The “DuPont Factors”)
Application of E.I. Dupont Denemours & Co.476 F.2d 1357 (C.C.P.A. 1973)

Trademarks - Coexistence Agreements(商標−共存同意書)
Application of E. I. DuPont Denemours & Co.476 F.2d 1357 (C.C.P.A. 1973)

Trademarks - Dilution(商標−希釈化)
Fotomat Corp. v. Photo Drive - Thru, Inc.425 F.Supp. 693 (D.N.J. 1977)

Trade - Dress - Building Design(トレードドレス−建物のデザイン)
Fotomat Corp. v. Photo Drive - Thru, Inc.425 F.Supp. 693 (D.N.J. 1977)

Trade Dress - Secondary Meaning (トレードドレス−二次的意味)
Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.505 U.S. 763 (1992)

Trade Dress - Secondary Meaning (トレードドレス−二次的意味)
Wal - Mart Stores, Inc. v. Samara Bros., Inc.529 U.S. 205 (2000)

Trade - Dress Functionality (Expired Utility Patent)(トレードドレスの機能(実用特許権の存続期間が満了した場合))
Traffix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.532 U.S. 23 (2001)

Trademark Rights - Priority(商標権−優先的地位)
Hanover Star Milling Co. v. Metcalf 240 U.S. 403 (1916)

Trademark Rights - Priority(商標権−優先的地位)
United Drug Co. v. Theodore Rectanus Co.248 U.S.90 (1918)

Trademark Rights - Priority(商標権−優先的地位)
Burger King of Florida, Inc. v. Hoots 403 F.2d 904 (7th Cir. 1968)

Trademark Rights - Priority (商標権−優先的地位)
Manhattan Indus., Inc. v. Sweater Bce by Banff, Ltd.,627 F.2d 628 (2d Cir. 1980)

Trademark Rights - Priority (Famous Foreign Marks)(商標権−優先権(著名な外国標章))
Grupo Gigante S.A. de C.V. v. Dallo & Co., Inc.119 F. Supp. 2d 1083 (C.D. Cal. 2000)

Trademark Rights - Geographic Use and Zone of Expansion(商標権 - 地理的使用及び拡大地域)
Weiner King, Inc., v. The Wiener King Corp.615 F.2d 512 (C.C.P.A. 1980)

Trademark Rights - Use in Commerce (Token or Sham Use)(商標権−取引上の使用(名目的使用若しくは見せかけの使用)
Blue Bell, Inc. v. Farah Manufacturing Co.508 F.2d 1260 (5th Cir.1975)

Trademark Rights - Use in Commerce (Advertising)(商標権−取引上の使用(広告))
Greyhound Corp. v. Armour Life Insurance Co.214 U.S.P.Q. 473 (T.T.A.B.1982)

Trademark Rights - Use in Commerce (Foreign Use)(商標権−取引上の使用(外国での使用)
Fuji Photo Film Co. v. Shinohara Shoji Kabushiki Kaisha754 F.2d 591 (5th Cir. 1985)

Trademark Rights - Use in Commerce (Catalog)(商標権 - 取引上の使用(カタログ))
Land’s End, Inc. v. Manbeck 797 F. Supp. 511 (7th Cir. 1992)

Trademark Rights - Undisclosed Use(商標権‐非開示の使用)
General Healthcare, Ltd. v. Qashat 364 F.3d 332 (1st Cir, 2004)

Trademark Rights - “Lawful” Use(商標権‐適法な使用)
CreAgri, Inc. v. USANA Health Science, Inc.474 F.3d 626(9th Cir. 2007)

Trademark Rights - Foreign Use With Advertising in U.S.(商標権−米国における広告付き外国使用)
Mother’s Rests. Inc. v. Mother’s Other Kitchen, Inc.218 U.S.P.Q. 1046 (TTAB 1983)

Trademark Rights - Concurrent Use(商標権−同時使用)
In Re Beatrice Foods Co.429 F.2d 466 (CCPA 1970)

Trademark Rights - Abandonment(商標権−放棄)
Baglin, Superior General Of The Order Of Carthusian Monks, v. Cusenier Co.221 U.S. 580 (1911)

Trademark Rights - Naked License(商標権 - 裸のライセンス)
Dawn Donut Co., Inc. v. Hart’s Food Stores, Inc. 267 F.2d 358 (2nd Cir. 1959)

Trademark Rights - Assignment in Gross(商標権−信用を伴わない商標の譲渡)
Pepsico, Inc. v. The Grapette Co., Inc.416 F.2d 285 (8th Cir. 1969)

Trademark Rights - Incontestability (Offensive Use)(商標権 - 不可争性(攻撃的使用))
Park 'N Fly, Inc. v. Dollar Park and Fly, Inc., 469 U.S. 189 (1985)

Infringement - Intent of the Infringer(侵害 - 侵害者の意図)
Northam Warren Corp v. Universal Cosmetic Co.18 F. 2d 774 (7th Cir. 1927)

Infringement - Contributory Liability(侵害 - 幇助(寄与)侵害)
Inwood Labs., Inc. v. Ives Labs.,Inc.456 U.S. 844(1982)

Infringement - Test for Infringement (Pre - Polaroid)(侵害−侵害の検証(Polaroid事件前))
Coca - Cola Co.,v. Snow Crest Beverages,162 F. 2d 280 (1st. Cir. 1947)

Infringement - Test for Infringement (Likelihood of Confusion - “Polaroid Factors”) 侵害−侵害の検証(混同のおそれ−「Polaroid事件」)
Polaroid Corp., v. Polarad Electronics Corp.,287 F.2d 492 (2nd Cir, 1961)

Trademark Infringement - Test for Infringement (Likelihood of Confusion - “Sleekcraft Factors”)(商標侵害−侵害の基準(混同のおそれ−「Sleekcraft要件」))
AMF Inc. v. Sleekcraft Boats599 F.2d 341 (9th Cir. 1979)

Infringement - Likelihood of Confusion (Strength of Mark)侵害 - 混同のおそれ(商標の強さ)
Mcgregor - Doniger Inc. v. Drizzle Inc. 599 F.2d 112 (2d Cir. 1979)

Infringement - Likelihood of Confusion (Bridging the Gap)(侵害−混同のおそれ(隙間を埋める))
Scarves by Vera, Inc. v. Todo Imports Ltd. (Inc.),544 F.2d 1167(2d 1976)

Infringement - Initial Interest Confusion(侵害−最初の関心の混同)
Mobil Oil Corp. v. Pegasus Petroleum Corp.818 F.2d 254 (2nd Cir. 1987)

Infringement - Reverse Confusion(侵害−逆混同)
Big O Tire Dealers, Inc.v. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.561 F.2d 1365 (7th Cir.  1977)

Infringement - Inherently Distinctive(侵害−本来的識別性)
New York Stock Exchange, Inc. v. New York, New York Hotel, LLC,
293 F.3d 550 (2d Cir. 2002)

Infringement - Reverse Passing Off(侵害−リバース・パッシング・オフ)
Daster Corp. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.,539 U.S. 23(2003)

Infringement - Repackaging(侵害−再包装)
Prestonettes v. Coty, 264 U.S. 359 (1924)

Infringement - Unrelated Goods( 侵害−非類似商品)
Yale Electric Corp. v. Robertson Commissioner of Patents, et al.,26 F.2d 972 (2nd Cir.1928)

Infringement - Sale of Refurbished Goods(侵害−再生品の販売)
Champion Spark Plug Co. v. Sanders,331 U.S. 125 (1947)

Infringement - Extraterritorial Activities(侵害−領域外の行為)
Steele v. Bulova Watch Co., Inc.344 U.S.280 (1952)

Infringement - Use in Commerce(侵害−商取引上の使用)
Lucasfilm Ltd. v. High Frontier,622 F.Supp. 931 (D.D.C. 1985)

Infringement - Use in Commerce(侵害−商取引上の使用)
Planned Parenthood Federation Of America, v. Bucci, d/b/aCathoric Radio42 U.S.P.Q.2D 1430 (S.D.N.Y. 1997)

Infringement - Use in Commerce(侵害−商取引上の使用)
1 - 800 Contacts, Inc. v. WhenU.com, 414 F.3d 400 (2d Cir.2005)

Infringement - Nominative Fair Use(侵害−固有名詞としてのフェアユース)
New Kids on the Block v. News Am. Pub.,Inc.,971 F.2d 302(9th Cir.1992)

Infringement - Nominative Fair Use (Use of Meta Tags)(侵害−固有名詞としてのフェアユース(メタタグの使用))
Brookfield Communications,Inc.,v.West Coast Entertainment Corp.
174 F.3d 1036(9th Cir.1999)

Infringement - Nominative Fair Use (Use of Meta Tags)(侵害−固有名詞としてのフェアユース)
Playboy Enterprises, Inc v. Terri Welles 279 F.3d 796(9th Cir.2002)

Infringement - Parallel Imports(侵害 - 並行輸入)
Original Appalachian Artworks, Inc. v. Granada Electronics, Inc.,
816 F.2d 68 (C.A.2 (N.Y.),1987)

Infringement - Parallel Imports(侵害 - 並行輸入)
NEC Electronics v. CAL Circuit Abco,810 F.2d 1506 (9th Cir. 1987)

Infringement - Parallel Imports(侵害−並行輸入)
Societe Des Produits Nestle, S.A. v. Casa Helvetica, Inc.,982 F.2d 633 (1st. Cir. 1992)

Infringement - Parallel Imports(侵害−並行輸入)
Lever Bros. Co. v. United States,877 F.2d 101 (D.C.Cir. 1989)

Infringement - First Sale Doctrine(侵害−消尽論)
Sebastian - International, Inc. v. Longs Drug Stores Corp.53 F.3d 1073 (9th Cir. 1995)

Infringement - Comparative Advertising(侵害−比較広告)
Saxlehner v. Wagner.216 U.S. 375 (1910)

Infringement - Comparative Advertising(侵害−比較広告)
R. G. Smith v. Chanel, Inc.402 F.2d 562(9th Cir. 1968)

Infringement - Generic Use(侵害−普通名称的使用)
TY, Inc. v. Perryman, 306 F.3d 509 (7th Cir. 2002)

Infringement - Non - commercial Parody (harmful)(侵害−非商業的パロディ(有害な))
Coca - Cola Co. v. Gemini Rising, Inc.,346 F. Supp. 1183 (E.D.N.Y. 1972)

Infringement - Non - commercial Parody (non - harmful) (侵害−非商業的パロディ(無害な))
L.L.Bean, Inc. v. Drake Publishers, Inc.,811 F.2d 26(1st Cir. 1987)

Infringement - Parody by a Competitor(侵害−競業者によるパロディ)
Deere&Co. v. MTD Products, Inc.41 F.3d 39(2nd Cir. 1994)

Infringement - Parody by Competitor(侵害−競業者によるパロディ)
Jordache Enterprises v. Hogg Wyld, Ltd.,828 F.2d 1482 (10th Cir. 1987)

Infringement - Admissibility of Survey Evidence(侵害−調査証拠の許容性)
ZIPPO Manufacturing Co. v. Rogers Imports, Inc.,216 F. Supp. 670 (S.D.N.Y. 1963)

Infringement - Admissibility of Survey Evidence(侵害−調査称呼の許容性)
Toys “R” Us, Inc. v. Canarsie Kiddie Shop, Inc., 559 F.Supp. 1189 (E.D.N.Y. 1983)

Remedies - Profits and Damages(救済−利益額)
Hamilton - Brown Shoe Co .v. Wolf Bros. & Co.,240 U.S. 251(1916)

Remedies - Damages(救済−損害)
Mishawaka Rubber & Woolen Manufacturing Co. v S.S. Kresge Co.,
316 U.S. 203 (1942)

Remedies - Injunctive Relief(表題: 救済−差止命令)
Q - Tips, Inc. v. Johnson & Johnson,206 F.2d 144 (3rd Cir.1953)

Remedies - Profits (救済−利益額)
Maltina Corp. v. Cawy Bottling Co.,613 F.2d 582 (5th Cir. 1980)

Remedies - Damages (Marking)(救済−損害賠償額(登録表示))
Stark Bros. Nurseries & Orchards Co. v. Stark,255 U.S. 50 (1921)

Remedies - Damages (Marking)(救済−損害賠償額(登録表示))
Treasure Imports v. Henry Amdur & Sons, 127 F.2d 3 (2nd Cir. 1942)

Remedies - Monetary Awards (Enhanced for Bad Faith)(救済−損害賠償(悪意の場合の増額)
Boston Professional Hockey Ass’n Inc. v. Dallas Cap & Emblem Manufacturing, Inc., 597 F.2d 71(5th Cir. 1979)

Remedies −Attorneys Fees(救済−弁護士報酬)
Procter & Gamble Co. v. Amway Corp.,280 F.3d 519 (5th Cir. 2002)

Remedies −Attorneys Fees(救済−弁護士費用)
Kirby v. Sega of America, Inc.,144 Ca. App. 4th 47(Cal. Ct. App. 2006)




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